Y nefoedd uwch fy mhen

Rhan I
Y nefoedd uwch fy mhen
  A dduodd fel y nos,
Heb haul na lleuad wen
  Nac unrhyw seren dlos
A llym gyfiawnder oddi fry
Yn saethu mellt o'r cwmwl du.

Cydwybod euog oedd
  Yn rhuo dan fy mron
Mi gofia'i chwerw floedd
  Tra ar y ddaear hon -
Ac yn fy ing ymdrechais ffoi,
Heb wybod am
    un lle i droi.

Mi drois at ddrws y Ddeddf
  Gan ddisgwyl cael rhyddhad;
Gofynnais iddi'n lleddf
  Roi imi esmwythâd:
'Ffo am dy einioes', ebe hi,
'At Fab y Dyn i Galfari!'
Rhan II
Gan ffoi, ymdrechais ffoi
  Yn sŵn taranau ffroch,
Tra'r mellt yn chwyrn gyffroi
  O'm hôl fel byddin goch;
Cyrhaeddais ben Calfaria fryn,
Ac yno gwelais Iesu gwyn.

Er nad yw 'nghnawd ond gwellt
  A'm hesgyrn ddim ond clai,
Mi ganaf yn y mellt
  Maddeuodd Duw fy mai:
Mae craig yr oesoedd dan fy nhraed
A'r mellt yn diffodd
    yn y gwaed.
yw 'nghnawd :: yw'm cnawd
Mi drois :: Troais

William Jones (Ehedydd Iâl) 1815-99

Tonau [666688]:
Alexandria (alaw Ellmynig)
Beverley (1791 The Psalms of David)
Bryniau Canaan (<1876)
Cefnddwysarn (John Hughes 1896-1968)
Darwall (John Darwall 1731-89)
Louvain (Caradog Roberts 1875-1935)
Normandy (<1927)
  Pwll-glas (W Williams [Northyn] 1822-1911)

  Er nad yw'm cnawd ond gwellt
  Gan ffoi ymdrechais ffoi

Part 1
The heavens above my head
  Had blackened like the night,
Without sun or bright moon
  Nor any pretty star
And sharp righteousness from above
Firing lightning from the black cloud.

Guilty conscience was
  Roaring under my breast
I will remember the bitter shout
  While on this earth -
And in my anguish I attempted to flee,
Without knowing about
    a single place to turn.

I turned to the door of the Law
  Expecting to get freedom;
I asked it soothingly
  To give me relief:
'Flee for your life,' it said,
'To the Son of Man to Calvary!'
Part 2
While fleeing, I attempted to flee
  In the sound of fierce thunders,
While the lightening was an agitating swirl
  Behind me like a red army;
I reached the top of Calvary hill,
And there I saw blessed Jesus.

Although my flesh is but grass
  And my bones nothing but clay,
I will sing in the lightening
  God has forgiven my fault:
The rock of ages is under my feet
And the lightning extinguishing
    in the blood.

tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The sky became at noon
Howell Elvet Lewis [Elfed] 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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